All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers will be published inConference Proceedings, which will be submitted for Ei Compendex and Scopus.
The ICMCCE 2016, ICMCCE 2017, ICMCCE 2018, ICMCCE 2019 and ICMCCE 2020 conferences have all been successfully held. All accepted papers were published and have been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.
ICMCCE 2017: Ei Compendex
IEEE Xplore
ICMCCE 2018: Ei Compendex
IEEE Xplore
ICMCCE 2019: Ei Compendex
IEEE Xplore
ICMCCE 2020: Ei Compendex
IEEE Xplore
Note: All submitted articles should report original results, experimental or theoretical, not previously published or being under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence, any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
▶Editorial Policy
All new manuscripts to ICMCCE 2022 should be submitted directly via Online Editorial System. By using the online submission system, you can access and process your submitted manuscript(s) from anywhere with internet access, and all the records including the files and the exchange of information will be maintained.
Step 1. To keep scientific integrity, one of our editors will run Turnitin on each new submission to check if it has potential problem of plagiarism. Papers not passing the plagiarism check will be desk rejected immediately.
Step 2. Then the publication Chairs will conduct initial check to ensure the submission falls within the scope of the conference and decide if it merits further review. Once passed the initial check, the manuscript will be assigned to reviewers for double-blind peer review.
Step 3. Each selected submission will be reviewed by at least two or three independent expert reviewers in the field on originality, validity, quality and academic merit, and readability.
Step 4. The peer review reports received from the experts will be judged by one of the editors with international scientific standards.
Step 5. The logical and valid peer review reports will be sent to the authors for them to revise the manuscript accordingly. For invalid reports, the editor may either assign a new reviewer or make a judgement based on his/her own.
Step 6. Authors are required to respond to the peer review comments in details and revise their paper according to the points raised.
Step 7. The revised manuscript will then be evaluated by the editor whether the points raised by the reviewers have been fully addressed or not.
Step 8. Then the editor will send the revised manuscript to the reviewers again for re-evaluation.
Step 9. If the reviewers approve the revised version of the manuscript, then the Editor-in-Chief will make a final decision on acceptance for the publication.